Car Transponder Keys
Almost all cars manufactured since 1995 have transponder key attached to their key as an additional security. Transponder chips communicate to the car's system making sure that only the right key would make the car work.
Having more than one transponder keys is a smart thought and practice since transponder key substitutions are outstandingly expensive. Most car dealership discourages car owners to get a copy of key from a locksmiths, saying that they can only get duplicates thru them, which is not true at all. Replacement transponder keys from locksmiths are usually cheaper than car dealership. A professional locksmith or locksmith company have the right equipment and tools to cut and reprogram a transponder key. Furthermore, locksmiths are available 24/7 that will allow you to get a new transponder key any time you need them. Replacing your transponder key for your car is not as simple as getting a new key cut to match your car's ignition. Transponder replacement unit will need consumers to pay money for the special computer chip to be put into your key and program it so your car would detect it. If you have troubles with your transponder keys, have a professional locksmith reach you by calling us. We can either meet you wherever you are located and we will create your transponder key on the spot, or you can drop by our shop and have your car key replaced or copied. Give us a call today, our experts are pleased to reply to questions you have.